This ONLINE package fulfills 12 clock hours of annual training required for an Adult Foster Caregiver with 0-5 years of experience at a Minnesota facility per Minnesota Legislature 9555.6185. The material we selected includes 12 Trainings which cover 12 topics taking the guesswork out of it for you! This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
–We suggest you order one for each of your Caregivers–
Topic: Abuse and Neglect (1 Hr)
Training 1.07: Caring People Don’t Hurt: Addressing Elder Abuse, i.e. Vulnerable Adults
Topic: Basic First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (1 Hr)
Training 7.07: First Aid: Steps Toward Emergency Preparedness
Topic: Communication Skills (1 Hr)
Training 3.05: Overcoming Communication Barriers: Untangling Mixed Messages
Topic: Data Privacy (1 Hr)
Training 3.08: Privacy & Confidentiality: There’s More to it than Meets the Eye
Topic: Home Safety (1 Hr)
Training 2.06: Falls are NOT Inevitable: Tips to Prevent Injuries
Topic: Human Sexuality (1 Hr)
Training 1.05: Sexual Rights and Care Recipients
Topic: Living Skills Training (1 Hr)
Training 8.06: Personal Care: Be Flexible, Promote Independence
Topic: Medication Assistance (1 Hr)
Training 5.06: Medication Management: Supplements, Side Effects & More
Topic: Mental Health (1 Hr)
Training 6.02: Assessing, Determining Levels of Dementia
Topic: Money Management (1 Hr)
Training 14.08: Financial and Administrative Management for Caregivers
Topic: Nutrition (1 Hr)
Training 13.11: Changing Nutritional Needs
Topic: Physical Disabilities
Training 2.11: Recognizing and Managing Epilepsy and Seizures
12 clock hours: For Adult Foster Caregivers