This ONLINE package fulfills 15 clock hours of annual training required for Caregivers at a Wisconsin Certified 1-2 Bed Adult Family Home (AFH) per Wisconsin Medicaid Standards for Certified 1-2 Bed Adult Family Homes). The material includes 12 Trainings which cover 12 topics taking the guesswork out of it for you! This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
–We suggest you order one for each of your Caregivers–
Topic: Resident Health, Safety, and Welfare (2 Hrs)
Training 15.11: Resident Health, Safety, and Welfare in Adult Family Homes
Topic: Conflict of Interest (1 Hr)
Training 15.12: Protecting Integrity and Trust: Navigating Conflicts of Interest in Adult Day Care
Topic: Resident Rights (1 Hr)
Training 2.12: Legal Representatives: Advance Directives and Guardianship
Topic: Community Inclusion and Integration (1 Hr)
Training 16.01: Community Inclusion and Integration in Adult Family Homes
Topic: Service Provision to Residents (2 Hrs)
Training 16.02: Service and Support Plans in Adult Family Homes
Topic: Fire Safety (1 Hr)
Training 9.10: Developing a Fire Safety Plan
Topic: Basic First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (1 Hr)
Training 7.07: First Aid: Steps Toward Emergency Preparedness
Topic: Privacy and Confidentiality (1 Hr)
Training 3.08: Privacy & Confidentiality: There’s More to it than Meets the Eye
Topic: Dignity of Risk (as defined in Article I.C.15) (1 Hr)
Training 16.05: Dignity of Risk in Adult Care: Insights, Challenges, and Practical Approaches
Topic: Roles, Responsibilities and Limitations of Legal Guardians, Power of Attorney Agents, and Supported Decision-Makers (2 Hrs)
Training 16.04: Roles, Responsibilities, and Limitations of Legal Guardians, Power of Attorney Agents, and Supported Decision-Makers in AFHs
Topic: Medication Management and Administration (1 Hr)
Training 5.06: Medication Management: Supplements, Side Effects & More
Topic: The Use, Avoidance, and Approval Process Involved When Restrictive Measures May be Needed under emergency or nonemergency conditions (1 Hr)
Training 16.03: Hands Off! The Responsible Use of Restraints in Elder Care
15 clock hours: For Caregivers at a Certified 1-2 Bed AFH