This ONLINE package fulfills 15 clock hours of annual training required for Caregivers at a Wisconsin Community-Based Residential Facility (CBRF) per Wisconsin Department of Health Services chapter 83.25). The material we selected covers all topics listed under DHS chapter 83.25 which takes the guesswork out of it for you! This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
–We suggest you order one for each of your Caregivers–
Topic: Client Group Related Training (2 Hrs)
Training 6.02: Assessing, Determining Levels of Dementia
Topic: Fire Safety and Emergency Procedures, including First Aid (3 Hrs)
Training 8.10: Are You Prepared in Case of a Fire?
Training 6.07: First Aid, CPR, Choking and Other Health & Safety Tips
Topic: Medications (2 Hrs)
Training 5.06: Medication Management: Supplements, Side Effects & More
Topic: Personal Care (2 Hrs)
Training 10.06: Personal Care: Focus on Oral Hygiene
Topic: Prevention and Reporting of Abuse, Neglect and Misappropriation (2 Hrs)
Training 1.07: Caring People Don’t Hurt: Addressing Elder Abuse, i.e. Vulnerable Adults
Topic: Resident Rights (2 Hrs)
Training 1.05: Sexual Rights and Care Recipients
Topic: Standard Precautions (2 Hrs)
Training 10.01: Precautions & Pathogens: And Sanitary Practices
15 clock hours: For Caregivers at a CBRF